Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Colorado Assisted Living

Colorado is the home to my family so my wife and I have spent a lot of time looking at assisted living and independent living facilities in the area. In our neighborhood of Louisville (right next to Boulder), there is a good variety of facilities including several upscale ones. To our surprise we found that some independent living facilities like Balfour are incredibly nice and incredibly expensive. The Balfour facility in Louisville has private cottages that start at $6300 per month. That does include 20 meals and food is fantastic but it makes my retirement fund look really small. There are also facilities in Boulder like Fraser Meadows that require deposits of over $100,000 non-refundable just to get into the facility. So if you want to retire and live like a king or queen in a Colorado assisted living facility, you better have a big retirement account.
In general, this means that you need to have about 2 million dollars in the bank when you retire if you want the best coverage during your retirement age.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Assisted Living

This is the first post on the subject of helping family with assisted living and other senior transitions. My wife and I each have one living parent that is making the transition from living at home to living somewhere where they can get extra help. Hull ( my dad) moved into assisted living last year after a stroke. Mable is slowly losing her memory so she will need someone to help her in the next few years. We have made several plans for Mable but she soon forgets that we made the plan so they never happen. We have had to make several different changes to support our family and we are part of the sandwich generation ( rising kids at the same time we are caring for our parents). Add this to the general poor economic conditions and we are a very busy family. We hope that our experience can be shared with others and we hope that others have a smoother transition with their parents.